GHS (General Hydrostatics)

GHS 是一个用于设计和评估所有类型船舶和浮动结构的软体系统。 它透过使用船舶的数学及几何模型计算所涉及的力来解决漂浮、纵倾、稳定性和强度问题。

由 Creative Systems, Inc. 专门为当今的电脑开发,已被广泛认为是同类中最高效的工具。 它不断扩展和改进,以确保其持续的领导地位和卓越性,以应对日益复杂的稳定性标准和计算技术。 GHS 经过充分验证、可靠,受到监管机构的尊重,并被主要设计公司和造船厂持续使用。

GHS 是真正的通用型。 它不仅可以处理船体,还可以处理任何漂浮或含有液体的物体或两者兼有之。 它已被用于分析和/或设计潜艇、SWATH、干船坞、钻井平台、10 英尺帆船、300 公尺货轮、浮桥,甚至浮动高尔夫球场。 GHS 解决简单且复杂的稳定性问题,包括洪水的中间阶段、货物溢出以及针对复杂的稳定性标准进行最佳化。

What makes GHS special?

Of the several ship stability programs available that all claim to do most of the same calculations - some costing more than GHS and some less, what makes GHS special and worth its price? Part of the answer lies in the completeness of its features, some of which are only found in high-end programs and some only in GHS; for example,

  • Handling of complex stability criteria.
  • True CG shifts of tank contents both transversely and longitudinally for better realism and accuracy.
  • Tank modes for flooding, damage, spilling, water-on-deck and many others.
  • Heeling about any axis (essential for some shapes - drilling units for example - and where longitudinal stability is a problem).
  • Wind heeling moments derived from the geometry at any heel, trim and axis angle.
  • Ease of modeling complex structures and interior spaces.
  • Detailed and flexible graphics depicting conditions of flotation, flooding and tank loading.
  • Ground modeling for vessels partly or totally supported by the ground.
  • Multi-body capability for interactions between vessels.

Calculating Essentials

  • Probabilistic damage -- Several versions including latest cargo and passenger rules with user-supplied PS methods (optional AF module)
  • Standard curves -- curves of hydrostatic properties, cross curves, righting-arm curves, max VCG curves, etc.
  • Load condition reports -- flexible status reports displaying all information at various levels
  • Condition Graphics -- flexible plan, profile, body views showing current loads and waterplanes (optional CG module)
  • Free surface treatment -- actual CG shifts or free surface moments (FSM)
  • Free surface moments -- True, maximum or user-specified; also FSM floors
  • Deflection -- hog and sag derived from given drafts; or bending analysis (with optional LS module)
  • Inclining -- complete displacement and CG calculation from inclining data; inclining wizard
  • Intact stability -- righting arm curves for load cases
  • Damage stability -- lost buoyancy -- otherwise same as intact
  • Stability criteria -- flexible and comprehensive
  • Roll angles -- direct input or by IMO formula
  • Critical points -- flooding and weathertight, one side or symmetrical
  • Freeboard -- minimum distance to deck edge with and without margin
  • Lateral plane and Wind plane -- heeling moment derivations
  • Heeling moments, wind -- wind forces derived from geometry -- lateral plane or projection in any direction (respecting heel, trim draft and axis)
  • Heeling moments, tank -- simulating water on deck, grain shift
  • Heeling moments, other -- from turning, CG shift, direct input
  • Water on deck -- several methods address various regulations
  • Waves -- several types, adjustable height, length, phase and encounter
  • Maximum VCG -- curves or individual condition; also import of Max VCG/min GM
  • Intermediate flooding -- Support for flooding in stages using added weight in tanks
  • Grounding -- Up to 400 ground points allowing detailed ground models
  • Adjustable heeling axis -- supports finding most critical axis of drilling units
  • Floodable lengths -- Compartment lengths limited by margin line or GM (optional FL module)
  • Longitudinal Strength -- shear, bending moment, deflection, torque (optional LS module)
  • Tank characteristics -- Tables and plots of tank properties
  • Tank Soundings -- several flexible formats - soundings, ullages (optional TS module)